Robert Magyar

Robert Magyar

Investor / Business & Life Coach

Name:Robert Magyar
Date of birth:Nov 1974
Address:Po Box 1111 Springwood 4127 QLD Australia
Phone:04 05 40 1111
Hi, and welcome to my page. As many of you know I retired from public life and prefer a more private living these days. I still love helping people and improving they life but more on a 1-1 basis. I have a small group of people that i mentor and have great results in investments and form a very strong alliance. In fact soon be returning to public life again but this time not alone :) We are creating. a System now .. for many years… that is unprecedented and has great rate of success for achieving financial freedom. Unfortunately we live in a disturbing times and we have to protect our self more than ever. What i was teaching for decades its coming upon us. Less freedom, financial control, and many other challenging obstacles to our ultimate happiness and abundance that we deserve . Unfortunately more and more bureaucrats taking over the governments and creating less and less value and taking away peoples freedom. Thats why it is even so more important to stick together and create something extraordinary. As we can call my life anything but average I will be writing a book about my life one day, when I am old and finished working (which will never happen lol ) but that will be my legacy and teach future generations about life lessons that everybody can use to create a better life for them self. This site is not finished right now.. it is under construction and will be password protected soon. Eventuality I will be writing a blog with some Life wisdom and current /Investment lessons/outlooks and opportunities So be patient. :) & Until than enjoy Life 🙂


05.2010 - 09.2014

1. Robert Magyar


Every Dream seems impossible, until someone makes it come true...

Robert is an extraordinary hungarian, who has left for Australia at the age of 20, and starting with just his dreams, without any english he became a millionaire. He was an entrepreneur very early at his life and today he has extended business experience in building industry as a property developer/investor, business consultation, Stock market and with one of his favourite topics: Crypto .

He is a well demanded success/Investment  and life coach and has travelled the world to meet and learn from the world's best teachers and leaders, for example: Anthony Robbins , Jay Abrahams, Brian Tracy , Denis Waitley PhD (Psychology of Winning), Robert Kiyosaki (Rich dad, poor dad), and many others.

One of Robert's main life goals is to teach the people a mindset, so they can live a quality and happy life. Unfortunately this is not being taught neither in schools, nor anywhere else in Hungary.

Not finished…